
CRP’s field visit to Tovarnik on 19 of September 2015

Representatives of CRP Sisak visited Eastern Croatia on Saturday, 19 of September 2015 providing assistance to refugees in Tovarnik. Refugees started to move into the Republic of Croatia from Republic of Serbia from Thursday 17 of September 2015. CRP’s activities organised and provided in Tovarnik represent efforts in contribution to humanism, solidarity and sympathy with the refugees from the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries in their environment.) Ministry of Interior and Croatian Red Cross are responsible for the organization of all activities for refugees. Our opinion is that they did a good job in Tovarnik, in accordance with the situation on the ground. However, we emphasize that there is still need to provide services there in order to ensure better conditions for direct assistance to refugees. In order to ensure that, we invite all people of good will, volunteers, companies that are willing to donate funds for the people in need, individuals and others to contact the Croatian Red Cross and contribute for that aim.

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