- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 2302
- Legal advices: 3575
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 3263
- Submissions: 1005
- Free legal phone: 1155 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 430
- Documents collected for clients: 200
- State’s free legal aid system: 20%
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 1755
- Legal advices: 2725
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 3022
- Submissions: 738
- Free legal phone: 1265 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 393
- Documents collected for clients: 207
- State’s free legal aid system: 6%
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 2130
- Legal advices: 3340
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 728
- Submissions: 870
- Free legal phone: 967 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 614
- Documents collected for clients: 350
- State’s free legal aid system: 6%
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 2923
- Legal advices: 4364
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 885
- Submissions: 728
- Free legal phone: 1386 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 1038
- Documents collected for clients: 331
- State’s free legal aid system: 6%
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 3373
- Legal advices: 4366
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 1000
- Submissions: 1525
- Free legal phone: 2000 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 1328
- Documents collected for clients: 500
State’s free legal aid system: 7%
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 3371
- Legal advices: 3319
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 1135
- Submissions: 1159
- Free Legal Phone: 2393 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 1211
- Documents collected for clients: 352
State’s free legal aid system: 7 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 3714
- Legal advices: 3714
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 1033
- Submissions: 1490
- Free Legal Phone: 2569 calls
- Successfully solved cases: 1188
- Documents collected for clients: 339
State’s free legal aid system: 7 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 4747
- Legal advices: 4496
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 615
- Appeals: 268
- Other submissions: 1693
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 596
- Free Legal Phone: 2556 calls
- Number of successfully solved cases: 1923
- Number of documents collected for clients: 164
State’s free legal aid system: 4 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 5291, including 3236 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 4893
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 653
- Appeals: 273, including 126 related to primary legal aid
- Other submissions: 1025, including 729 related to primary legal aid
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 773, including 577 related to primary legal aid
- Constitutional complaints: 7
- Administrative lawsuits: 30
- Lawsuits: 36
State’s free legal aid system: 4 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 5601, including 2982 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 4997
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 604
- Appeals: 270, including 129 related to primary legal aid
- Other submissions: 1052, including 793 related to primary legal aid
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 694, including 487 related to primary legal aid
- Constitutional complaints: 3
- Administrative lawsuits: 32
- Lawsuits: 38
States’s free legal aid system: 12,97 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 6008, including 5708 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 5213, including 4913 of primary legal aid
- General legal information (including primary legal aid): 795
- Appeals: 352, including 170 related to primary legal aid
- Other submissions: 1110, including 752 related to primary legal aid
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 536, including 339 related to primary legal aid
- European Court for Human Rights applications: 6
- Constitutional complaints: 3
- Administrative lawsuits: 27
- Lawsuits: 61
States’s free legal aid system: 9,8 %
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 6766, including 5803 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 5976, including 3070 primary legal aid
- General legal information: 1231, including 939 related to primary legal aid
- Appeals (complaints): 455, including 138 related to primary legal aid
- Other submissions: 1582, including 1106 related to primary legal aid
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 749, including 550 related to primary legal aid.
- European Court of Human Rights applications: 9
- Constitutional Court complains: 17
- Administrative lawsuits: 42
- Lawsuits: 100
State’s free legal aid system
- Total number of free legal aid requests: 151
- Total number of approved requests / issued decisions: 63
- Total number of accepted (through final report) decisions:
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP Sisak: 5764, including 4467 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 4674, including 2031 primary legal aid
- General legal information: 1509, including 1113 related to primary legal aid
- Appeals (complaints): 359, including 149 related to primary legal aid
- Other submissions: 1421, including 938 related to primary legal aid
- Other types of submissions for initiating proceedings: 490, including 276 related to primary legal aid.
- European Court of Human Rights applications: 13
- Constitutional Court complains: 19
- Administrative lawsuits: 59
- Lawsuits: 152
State’s free legal aid system
- Total number of free legal aid requests: 384
- Total number of approved requests / issued decisions: 268
- Total number of accepted (through final report) decisions: 268
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP: 6427, including 3470 cases of primary legal aid
- Legal advices: 2587, including 1294 primary legal aid
- General legal information: 933, including 466 related to primary legal aid
- Appeals (complaints): 318, including 250 related to primary legal aid
- Other letters (submissions): 2343, including 1460 related to primary legal aid
- European Court of Human Rights applications: 4
- Constitutional court complains: 1
- Administrative lawsuits: 85
- Lawsuits: 161
State’s free legal aid system
- Total number of free legal aid requests: 160
- Total number of approved requests / issued decisions: 104
- Total number of accepted (through final report) decisions: 104
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP: 3617, including 1831 primary legal aid cases
- Legal advices: 1676, including 768 primary legal aid cases
- General legal information: 948, including 542 information related to primary legal aid
- Letters (submissions): 992, including primary legal aid: 518
State’s free legal aid system
- Total number of free legal aid request: 57
- Total number of issued decisions / accepted requests: 42
- Total number of accepted (through final report) decisions: 35
- Total number of free legal aid cases in CRP: 4000
- Legal advices: 1672
- Providing of general legal information: 1028
- Letters (submissions): 1300
State’s free legal aid system
- Total number of free legal aid requests: 150
- Total number of issued decisions / accepted requests: 62
- Total number of accepted (through final report) decisions: 50