IPA INFO 2012News

Second educational workshop on rakija

On 11th of October 2013, the Civil Rights Project, within the activities of project „Europe in my farm“, financed by the EU through IPA INFO 2012 programme, has organized an educational workshop on rakija.  It was second workshop on rakija, which was not planed at first, but after a very big interest of local population at our first workshop that took place on 16th of October in Donja Bacuga, we have decided to organize another one, but this time in Dvor in front of more than 30 participants.

The new legislation, which directly influence on making, storage and selling of rakija, stimulated an active debate of all participants, during and after the presentation „All that you did not know about rakija, and you were afraid to ask“, created by the project external expert Alan Đozić.  During presentation, our expert, tried to reach all participants by giving them examples from practice.

After organizing two workshops about rakija, during which we had opportunity to directly inform rural population, our conclusion is that the lack of direct contact with population is the main thing which central, regional and local government did not do. Therefore, in the Sisak-Moslavina County it might happen that, because of lack of information, rural population would stop to produce rakija.

During the project, CRP Sisak is going to organize four more workshops through which we will directly inform rural population of the Sisak-Moslavina County about legislation that regulate producing of rakija, cheese and sour cream, meat and meat products.

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