The meeting was held on18th October 2013in the premises of the Sisak-Moslavina County with the representatives of the Roma NGOs, Roma Councils, representatives of the Town of Sisak, Town of Kutina, Sisak – Moslavina County, Centre for Social Welfare, Croatian Employment Office and CRP Sisak.
The meeting continued the work of two day workshop held in Zagreb,during which the Action Plan directions with deadline of their implementationwere created. Directions covered with the Action Plan are (1) Status rights, (2) Education, (3) Employment, (4) Health and social welfare, (5) Housing.
The workshop, as well as the meeting, was organised by UNDP within the project “Comprehensive Inclusion Programme for Roma in the Medjimurje County in Croatia” by financial support of the Open Society Foundation, Government office for human rights and rights of national minorities and OSCE.
The main goal of the meeting was to verify the content of the Action Plan, the data and to agree on the final version of the Plan.
The Action Plan for social inclusion of Roma at the local level will contribute to solving of social problems in the Sisak – Moslavina County. The final version of the Action Plan will be coordinated by the County office for social welfare. As a document, the Plan will be also used as a base for applying for new funds from the European Union.