Forum on women’s rights was held on 28th of April 2010 in the Civil centre Hrvatska Kostajnica, as an activity of the “Civil Centre in Hrvatska Kostajnica”. Discussion was organized on “Peculiarities of life of middle age women.” The panel was led by Ms. Daša Poredoš Lavor. Discussion included a lecture on the theoretical problems in relation with middle age of women. During the lecture, we tried to define the chronological and emotional frame of that age, the problems brought by aging of parents, etc. The NGO – Association of Health from Petrinja joined the forum through practical demonstration that was led by physiotherapist Kristina Jakešević. She showed to participants the basic stretching exercises and muscle relaxation, proper breathing for relaxation, etc. Participants were intensively involved in discussion, presented their life experiences and visions, gave comments and asked questions.
Read Next
13. July 2010.
English language course finished
9. July 2010.
Official opening of the Civil Centre
29. June 2010.
Painting on silk workshop held in the Civil Centre
22. June 2010.
Visit of the NRC Oslo and Norwegian TV
13. July 2010.
English language course finished
9. July 2010.
Official opening of the Civil Centre
6. July 2010.
Painting on glass workshop held in the Civil Centre
29. June 2010.
Painting on silk workshop held in the Civil Centre
22. June 2010.
Visit of the NRC Oslo and Norwegian TV
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