On 17th October 2014, CRP Sisak attended a traditional manifestation Thanksgiving Day for the Fruits of the Earth – Day of Bread and organized a promotion stand. 70 exhibitors, representatives of family farms, NGOs, schools and kindergartens participated in the manifestation. Because of the recently implemented project Europe in my Farm, CRP Sisak had opportunity to offer latest information about changes in legislation that influenced the home production in family farms in Sisak-Moslavina County. Despite of the fact that, through the implementation of the mentioned project, CRP Sisak held 8 information-educational workshops, visited 500 households and printed and distributed more than 30 000 copies of different educational materials, there is still big interest for the materials that are made during the project implementation and people are interested in organisation of new workshops.
CRP Sisak used this manifestation for informing the citizens on the fact that CRP moved the office and on the new address on which they can get free legal aid in Sisak.