IPA INFO 2012MultimediaNews

Workshop on rakija

On 16th of October 2013, Civil Rights Project, in accordance with activities of project „Europe in my farm“, financed by EU through IPA INFO 2012 programme, has organized educationworkshop on rakija.  This workshop was, in accordance with main goal of the project, organized to educate and inform local population in rural part of Sisak-moslavina county on new law regulation which directly  influence on production and selling of rakija.

Activities coordinator Aleksandar Kojic, opened workshop in front of over 50 participants, and Saša Zeljug, assistant on project, presented to participants main activities and goals of the project.

Workshop continued with the presentation „All that you did not know about rakija, and you were afraid to ask“, created by project external expert Alan Đozić, and in that, all participants have active participated. Discussion during presentation gave many answers to all participates and informed them about new regulations on producing of rakija.

After workshop, all participants continued an informal discussion, and as main conclusion was highlighted that, registering of production of rakija, is only way to avoid paying of extremely high penalties.

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